본문 바로가기


blazor MatTab

@page "/Events"
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

<MatButton OnClick="@ChangeTab">Change Tab</MatButton>
    Active tab index: @tabIndex
    Onclick index: @tabClickIndex
<MatTabGroup @bind-ActiveIndex="@tabIndex" @onclick="ClickHandler">

    <MatTab Label="First">
        First Content
    <MatTab Label="Second">
        Second Content
    <MatTab Label="Third">
        Third Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth1">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth2">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth3">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth4">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth5">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth6">
        Fourth Content
    <MatTab Label="Fourth7">
        Fourth Content


@code {
    public int tabIndex = 0;
    public int tabClickIndex = 0;
    // to redirect the user, do something like this:
    //uriHelper.NavigateTo("/yourPage"); // to do a dynamic refresh with injected UriHelper
    //navMan.NavigateTo("/yourPage", true); // to also force page refresh instead of a dynamic load with injected NavigationManager
    void ClickHandler()
        if (!tabIndex.Equals(2))

        tabClickIndex = tabIndex;

    void ChangeTab(MouseEventArgs e)
        tabIndex = tabIndex < 3 ? tabIndex + 1 : 0;

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